William E Feeney is a field biologist based between the University of Cambridge (UK) and the University of Queenlsand (AUS). His research focuses on understanding why animals are the way they are, and do the things they do.
peer-reviewed Publications
Links to article PDFs (when available) are provided below. If you do not have access to any of these articles and would like a copy, please feel free to email me. Citation rates for these articles can be found on my Google Scholar page.
† Indicates student
* Indicates equal contribution
48. Boersma J, Thrasher DJ, Welkin JF, Baldassarre DT, Feeney WE, Webster MS (In Press) Plural breeding among unrelated females and other insights on complex social structure in the cooperatively breeding Variegated Fairywren. Emu: Austral Ornithology
47. Bertucci F, Feeney WE, Cowan Z-L, Gache C, Moussa RM, Berthe C, Minier L, Bambridge T, Lecchini D (2023) Effects of COVID-19 lockdown on the observed density of coral reef fish along coastal habitats of Moorea Island, French Polynesia. Regional Environmental Change 23: 16
46. Cowan Z-L, Brooker RM, Gasc J, Gache C, Lecchini D, Feeney WE (2023) Targeted census of lionfishes (Scopaenidae) in native range reveals comparable densities to invaded range. Journal of Fish Biology 102: 532-536
45. Besson M*, Feeney WE*, Gache C, Irsson J-O, Berthe C, Cowan Z-L, Brooker RM, Laudet V, Lecchini D (2023) Anemone-bleaching leads to the breakdown of a fish-anemone mutualism. Coral Reefs 42: 195-203
44. Feeney WE*, Cowan Z-L*, Bertucci*, Sui G, Jossinet F, Gache C, Berthe C, Waqalevu V, Bambridge T, Parmentier E, Galzin R, Lecchini D (2022) COVID-19 lockdown highlights impact of human activity on coral reef fishes. Royal Society Open Science 9: 220047
43. Zhang J, Santema P, Li J, Feeney WE, Deng W, Kempenaers B (2022) The mere presence of cuckoos in the breeding area alters egg-rejection decisions in Duarian redstarts Phoenicurus auroreus. Behavioral Ecology 33: 1153-1160
42. Sandvig EM, Coulson T, Robertson B, Feeney WE, Clegg SM (2022) Insular nestling growth and its response to parental care effort in Silvereyes, Zosterops lateralis. Emu: Austral Ornithology 122: 193-202
41. Yang C, Feeney WE (2022) Social learning of egg rejection in a cuckoo host. Animal Behaviour 191: 143-148
40. Kennerley JA†, Somveille M, Hauber ME, Richardson NM†, Manica AM, Feeney WE (2022) The overlooked complexity of brood parasite-host relationships. Ecology Letters 25: 1889-1904
39. Wang L, He G, Zhang Y, Liang W, Feeney WE (2022) Experimental and video evidence that cuckoos preferentially parasitise host nests early in their laying cycle. Avian Biology 13: 100042
38. Feeney WE*, Bertucci F*, Sui G, Waqalevu VP, Chancerelle Y, de Loma TL, Planes S, Galzin R, Lecchini D (2021) Long term relationship between farming damselfish, predators, competitors and benthic habitat on coral reefs of Moorea Island, French Polynesia. Scientific Reports. 11: 14548
37. Walsh J, Campagna L, Feeney WE, King J, Webster MS (2021) Patterns of genetic divergence and demographic history shed light on island-mainland dynamics and melanic plumage evolution in the white-winged fairywren. Evolution 75: 1348-1360
36. Brooker RM*, Casey JM, Cowan Z-L, Sih T, Dixson DL, Manica AM, Feeney WE* (2020) Domestication via the commensal pathway in a fish-invertebrate mutualism. Nature Communications 11: 6253 PDF
35. Yang C, Ye P, Huo J, Møller AP, Liang W, Feeney WE (2020) Sparrows use a medicinal herb to defend against parasites and increase offspring condition. Current Biology 30: R1411-R1412
34. Maggeni R, Feeney WE (2020) Insights into the successful breeding of Hawksbill sea turtles (Eretmochelys imbricate) from a long-term captive breeding program. Global Ecology and Conservation e01278 PDF
33. Carr H†, Kennerley JA†, Richardson NM†, Webster MS, Feeney WE (2020) First record of black and red plumage in a female Red-backed Fairywren (Malurus melanocephalus). Australian Field Ornithology 37: 150-154 PDF
32. Grutter AS, Feeney WE, Hutson KS, McClure EC, Narvaez P, Smit NJ, Sun D, Sikkel PC (in press) Gnathia aureamaculosa and G. marleyi. in: Sitjà Bobadilla, A., Bron, J.E., Wiegertjes, G., Piazzon, M.C. (Eds.), Fish Parasites: A handbook of protocols for their isolation, culture and transmission. 5m Publishing. Sheffield, United Kingdom.
31. Grutter AS, Feeney WE, Hutson K, McClure E, Smit N, Sun D, Sikkel PC (2020) Practical methods for culturing gnathiid isopods to reveal host and parasite biology, behaviour, and ecology on coral reefs. International Journal of Parasitology 50: 825-837
30. Besson M, Feeney WE, Holzer G, Moniz I, François L, Roux N, Brooker RM, Laudet V, Lecchini D (2020) Anthropogenic stressors undermine fish sensory development and survival via thyroid disruption. Nature Communications 11: 3614 PDF
29. Poje C†, Kennerley JA†, Richardson NM†, Grundler MR†, Cowan Z-L, Marsh M†, Feeney WE (2019) Notes on the parasitic ecology of newly-fledged Fan-Tailed Cuckoos Cacomantis flabelliformis and their White-Browed Scrubwren Sericornis frontalis hosts in south-east Queensland. The Sunbird 48: 162-167. PDF
28. Richardson NM†, Kennerley JA†, Feeney WE (2019) First record of brood adoption in the superb fairy-wren Malurus cyaneus. The Sunbird 48: 159-161. PDF
27. Brooker RM, Feeney WE, Sih TL, Ferrari MCO, Chivers DL (2019) Comparative diversity of anemone-associated fauna in a Caribbean coral reef and seagrass system. Marine Biodiversity 49: 2609–2620. doi: 10.1007/s12526-019-00993-5
26. Sikkel PC, Richardson M, Sun D, Navaez P, Feeney WE, Grutter A (2019) Changes in abundance of fish-parasitic gnathiid isopods associated with warm-water bleaching events on the northern Great Barrier Reef. Coral Reefs 38: 721–730. doi: 10.1007/s00338-019-01835-3
25. Brooker RM, Feeney WE (2019) Animal domesticators. Current Biology 29: R1168-R1169. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2019.09.058
24. Kennerley JA†, Grundler MR†, Richardson NM†, Marsh M†, Grayum J†, Feeney WE (2019) Observations on the behaviour and ecology of the Pallid Cuckoo Heteroscenes pallidus in south-east Queensland. Australian Field Ornithology 35: 8-12. doi:10.20938/afo36109115
23. Feeney WE, Riehl C (2019) Monogamy without parental care? Social and genetic mating systems of avian brood parasites. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 1769: 20180201. doi: 10.1098/rstb.2018.0201
22. Feeney WE*, Brooker RM*, Johnston LN, Gilbert J, Besson M, Lecchini D, Dixson DL, Cowman PF, Manica A (2019) Predation drives recurrent convergence of an interspecies mutualism. Ecology Letters 22: 256-264. doi: 10.1111/ele.13184
- Featured in: Australia’s Science Channel, Cosmos Magazine, Eurekalert, Get STEM, Labroots, myScience,, The Conversation, Topix French Polynesia
- Article featured on the journal cover
21. Feeney WE, Ryan TA, Kennerley J, Poje C, Clarke L, Scheuering M, Webster MS (2018) A photographic guide for ageing nestlings of two species of Australian brood parasitic cuckoo: the fan-tailed (Cacomantis flabelliformis) and Horsfield’s bronze (Chalcites basalis) cuckoos. Australian Field Ornithology. 35: 8-12. doi: 10.20938/afo35008012
20. Feeney WE (2017) Evidence of coevolution before the egg is laid: the frontline of the arms race. In: Avian brood parasitism – behaviour, ecology, evolution and coevolution (Ed. Manuel Soler). Springer Publishing. pp. 307-324.
19. Feeney WE (2017) Rejection thresholds. In: Encyclopedia of evolutionary psychological science (Eds. Todd K Shackelford & Vivian Weekes-Shackelford). Springer Publishing doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_2679-1
18. Feeney WE (2017) Egg rejection. In: Encyclopedia of evolutionary psychological science (Eds. Todd K Shackelford & Vivian Weekes-Shackelford). Springer Publishing doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_2678-1
17. Feeney WE (2017) Egg mimicry. In: Encyclopedia of evolutionary psychological science (Eds. Todd K Shackelford & Vivian Weekes-Shackelford). Springer Publishing doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_2677-1
16. Feeney WE, Brooker RM (2017) Anemonefishes. Current Biology. 27: R6-R8 doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2016.07.046
15. Grutter AS, Feeney WE (2016) Equivalent cleaning in a juvenile facultative and obligate cleaning wrasse: an insight into the evolution of cleaning in labrids? Coral Reefs. 35:991-997 doi: 10.1007/s00338-016-1460-x
14. Brooker RM, Feeney WE, White JR, Manassa RP, Johansen JL, Dixson DL (2016) Using insights from animal behaviour and behavioural ecology to inform marine conservation initiatives. Animal Behaviour. 120: 211-221. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2016.03.012
13. Feeney WE, Troscianko J, Langmore NE, Spottiswoode CN (2015) Evidence for aggressive mimicry in an adult brood parasitic bird, and generalised defences in its host. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 282: 20150795.
doi: 10.1098/rspb.2015.0795 PDF
- Featured in Australian National University, Cambridge University, EurekAlert, IFLScience, myScience, Nature,, ScienceDaily, The Conversation
12. Cortesi F, Feeney WE, Ferrari MCO, Waldie PA, Phillips GAC, McClure EC, Genevieve AC, Sköld HN, Salzburger W, Marshall NJ, Cheney KL (2015) Phenotypic plasticity confers multiple fitness benefits to a mimic. Current Biology 25: 949-954. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2015.02.013
- Featured in Advanced Aquarist, Alpha Galileo, Archy News, Belfast Telegraph, BBC Earth, Bernama, Big News Network, Blick News, Business Standard, Cambridge University, Customs Today, Digital Reefs, EurekAlert, IDW, IFLScience, Irish Examiner, Market Business News, Motherboard,, ScienceDaily, Speigel Online, Storiented Blog, Sverigs radio, Tech Times, The Conversation, The Frisky, The Washington Post, Tierwelt, University of Basel, VBiO, World Science, Xinhau, Z News
11. Feeney WE, Langmore NE (2015) Superb fairy-wrens, Malurus cyaneus, increase vigilance near their nest with the perceived risk of brood parasitism. The Auk 132: 359-364. doi: 10.1642/AUK-14-218.1
10. Shaw RC, Feeney WE, Hauber ME 2014 Nest destruction elicits indiscriminate brood parasitism in a captive bird. Ecology & Evolution. doi: 10.1002/ece3.1243 PDF
- Featured in Answers In Genesis, Nature World News, The Conversation
9. Feeney WE, Welbergen JA, Langmore NE. 2014b. Advances in the study of coevolution between avian brood parasites and their hosts. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 45: 227-246. doi: 10.1146/annurev-ecolsys-120213-091603 PDF
8. Feeney WE, Stoddard MC, Kilner RM, Langmore NE. 2014a. 'Jack of all trades' egg mimicry in the brood parasitic Horsfield's bronze-cuckoo? Behavioral Ecology 25: 1365-1373. doi: 10.1093/beheco/aru133 PDF
- Featured in The Conversation
7. Feeney WE, Medina I, Somveille M, Heinsohn R, Hall ML, Mulder RA, Stein JA, Kilner RM, Langmore NE. 2013. Brood parasitism and the evolution of cooperative breeding in birds. Science 342: 1506-1508. doi: 10.1126/science.1240039 PDF
- Featured in ABC Science, Australian National University, Canberra Times, Physorg, National Geographic, The Australian, The Conversation,
6. Feeney WE, Langmore NE. 2013. Social learning of a brood parasite by its host. Biology Letters 9: 20130443. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2013.0443 PDF
- Featured in ABC Science , ANU News , Science Alert ,ScienceNow , ScienceUpdate (audio interview) and The Conversation
5. Carter AJ, Feeney WE, Marshall HH, Cowlishaw G, Heinsohn R. 2013. Animal personality: What are behavioural ecologists actually measuring? Biological Reviews 88: 465-475. doi: 10.1111/brv.12007 PDF
4. Feeney WE, Lönnstedt O, Bosiger Y, Martin J, Jones GP, Rowe R, McCormick MI. 2012b. High rate of prey consumption in a small predatory fish on coral reefs. Coral Reefs 31: 909-918. doi:10.1007/s00338-012-0894-z PDF
3. Carter AJ*, Feeney WE*. 2012. Taking a comparative approach: Analysing personality as a multivariate behavioural response across species. PLoS ONE 7:e42440 doi: 10.137/journal.pone.004224 PDF
* Both authors contributed equally
2. Feeney WE, Welbergen JA, Langmore NE. 2012a. The frontline of avian brood parasite-host coevolution. Animal Behaviour 84: 3-12. doi: 10.1016/j.anbehav.2012.04.011 PDF
1. Langmore NE, Feeney WE, Crowe-Riddell J, Luan H, Louwrens KM, Cockburn A. 2012. Learned recognition of brood parasitic cuckoos in the superb fairy-wren, Malurus cyaneus. Behavioral Ecology 23: 798-805. doi: 10/1093/beheco/ars033 PDF
Popular publications
I think it's really important for scientists to try to promote science. While I don't do this as much as I'd like, I do write articles for The Conversation and other places when I can.
19. Feeney WE, Brooker RM (2020) We found an algae-farming fish that domesticate tiny shrimp to help run their farm. The Conversation. link
- Highlighted as most viewed article in The Conversation in the week following its publication.
18. Feeney WE, Besson M (2020) Coral Reefs: Climate change and pesticides could conspire to crash fish populations. The Conversation. link
17. Feeney WE. 2017. An introduction to Australia’s cuckoos. The Biscuit (RSPCA publication).
16. Feeney WE. 2015. Natural selection in black and white: how industrial pollution changed moths. The Conversation. link
15. Coretsi F, Feeney WE. 2015. A master class con-artist among fishes. Biosphere Magazine.
14. Feeney WE. 2015. Things some birds will do to avoid a cuckoo finch in their nest. The Conversation. link
13. Feeney WE, Coresti F. 2015. The dusky dottyback, a master of disguise in the animal world. The Conversation. link
12. Feeney WE. 2015. Strange tale of fish eye evolution shows how new species could be born. The Conversation. link
11. Feeney WE. 2014. Bad parenting could give zebra finches the evolutionary edge. The Conversation. link
10. Feeney WE. 2014. Egg colours make cuckoos masters of disguise. The Conversation. link
9. Feeney WE. 2014. Cuckoos beat competition by laying cryptic eggs. The Conversation. link
8. Feeney WE, Langmore NE. 2013. How birds cooperate to defeat cuckoos. The Conversation. link
7. Feeney WE. 2013. Personality matters: when saving animals, fortune favours the bold. The Conversation. link
6. Feeney WE. 2013. Introducing species to change ecosystems is a balancing act. The Conversation. link
5. Feeney WE. 2013. Silk Road trading helped produce the modern horse. The Conversation. link
4. Feeney WE. 2013. Alaskan frogsicles take winter in their stride. The Conversation. link
3. Feeney WE. 2013. Hungry baboons are a lesson in human personality. The Conversation. link
2. Feeney WE. 2013. Leaders, fliers and foragers: the politics of being a pigeon. The Conversation. link
1. Feeney WE. 2013. Superb fairy-wrens recognise an adult cuckoo ... with some help. The Conversation. link
Behavioural and Evolutionary Ecology Research Group
Donana Biological Station (CSIC)
Seville, Spain